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New, Faster Sleeper Trains to Operate Between BJ and SH to HK

Jun 06, 2024

[Photo via VCG]

Starting from June 15, faster sleeper trains will begin operation between Beijing and Shanghai to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, providing an upgraded travel experience for cross-border passengers and enhancing the convenience of travel between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, according to the national railway operator China State Railway Group.

[Photo via VCG]
With the operation of the faster sleeper train, travel time between Beijing and Hong Kong will be reduced to 12 and a half hours from over 24 hours, and between Shanghai and Hong Kong to about 11 hours from over 19 and a half hours. 
Both sleeper trains are scheduled to depart in the evening and arrive at the destination in the morning.
Tickets for the new trains have been on sale from 12:00 on June 5 via the 12306 ticket  booking system (https://www.12306.cn/en/index.html).
(Source: China Daily)

Source: BeijingService

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